“Nurturing Little Minds, Cultivating Bright Futures.”
The nursery is set within the first floor of Skidaddle Soft Play and Party Zone. Which offers a homely and spacious environment for the children to play and learn.
We have a large designated outdoor space, solely for the nursery and pre school. With vegetable plots, mud kitchens, climbing frames and a variety of other outdoor toy and equipment, the children will learn with nature on a daily basis.
Each room has been designed to enhance children’s minds in meaningful, sociable play and learning environment.
Children have access to a wide range of age appropriate exciting activities designed to develop and enhance current knowledge and skills. Toys and educational materials are regularly updated to ensure that children have access to varied resources at all times.
The Nursery has been furnished and maintained to the highest standards. The resourses are renewed regularly to keep the children interested and motivated.
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